What to do About your Pet's Bad Breath

Bad breath in pets is a common condition that can make some pet owners hesitant to get close to their pets. Bad breath is normally directly related to dental health. There are many harmless causes of bad breath, but there are others and there may be some causes that can be a sign of a more serious health condition. Either way, it is beneficial for you to get your pet to get checked out here at the Animal Clinic of Arlington, so we can determine exactly what is causing your pet’s bad breath.

Common Causes of Pet Bad Breath

Some common causes of pet bad breath are:

  • Gum disease
  • An imbalance oral or gut microbiome
  • Health conditions or diseases

Health conditions can be diabetes, liver disease, and kidney disease.

Prevention is Key

Prevention is key to getting rid of your pet’s bad breath in the first place. Make sure to regularly brush your pet’s teeth with a toothpaste recommended by our veterinarian. Brushing is the most effective way to get rid of plaque buildup around your pet’s gumline. It is important to provide your pet with a lot of chew toys as this is also an effective way to improve their oral health since the chewing process gets rid of plaque and can also increase the production of saliva to help wash away any bacteria. Lastly, make sure to check your pet’s teeth regularly to check for gum inflammation or any worsening of gum health. This may help you determine if you need to make any changes to your pet’s oral hygiene routine.


The best treatment for bad breath caused by periodontal disease, tartar, and plaque is a dental cleaning with your vet. If your pet’s bad breath is caused by diabetes, liver disease, or kidney disease, these are all conditions that require treatment from your vet. Your pet’s bad breath should diminish once the underlying condition is resolved.

Contact Our Veterinarian in Arlington for Pet Medical Services

Pet medical services are offered here at Animal Clinic of Arlington. To schedule an appointment with a veterinarian, give us a call today.

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